Automated Triage System for Dizzy Patients Dynamic Scheduling for Otolaryngology


The Automated Triage System for Dizzy Patients Dynamic Schedule for Otoloryngology is a model that determines which physician a patient should be referred to for treatment.

Value Proposition to Michigan Medicine

There is an inordinate amount of time to have a patient with dizziness correctly diagnosed and started on specific treatments. A major part of this problem is the lack of knowledge about to whom the patient should be referred for specialty care. Therefore, patients and their managing physicians are left with having to guess about the appropriate tests needed what consultations should be acquired to develop diagnosis and treatment plan. This model will significantly decrease costs and shorten the length of time it takes to get patients properly treated.

Principal Investigator(s)

Devin McCaslin, PhD

Clinical Champion

Digital Health Innovation Support

Digital Health Innovation provided the data to develop the model and has provided support to host the model and connect data pipelines to flow data into the model.


Intellectual Property

Invention Disclosure #

Patent Issued: