e-Health and Artificial Intelligence (e-HAIL)

Our community fosters a multi-disciplinary approach to innovations in healthcare and AI/machine learning (ML) methodologies.

Our focus is on fostering new multi-disciplinary collaborations between AI and Health experts, supporting grant development to secure extramural funding, and supporting researcher interaction.

large group of researchers at an AI and digital health community event

About Us

The e-Health and Artificial Intelligence (e-HAIL) program is a joint effort with sponsorship from the Offices of Research in the College of Engineering and the Medical School. Connecting and supporting faculty dyads is at the core of our work. Our vision is to enable technological breakthroughs in core AI methodologies that have a positive impact on the health of individuals and populations, within healthcare systems and beyond, both in the US and globally.

e-HAIL is a supportive community of researchers that interacts regularly through online brainstorming sessions and in-person workshops. Topics are based on member interests, and range from feedback sessions to strengthen specific aims for upcoming grant applications to timely discussions of open problems in healthcare where new AI research has the potential to help.

“We could not have pulled off our recent projects without e-HAIL. Based on an initial conversation, e-HAIL’s program manager made the connection to colleagues in Engineering whose research interests were a good fit, and the collaboration has blossomed from there. e-HAIL’s grant writer has been part of all of our team meetings and his support has been absolutely amazing. Our progress so far has been really exciting!”

Devin McCaslin, PhD
Head and Neck Surgery, Michigan Medicine

For more information, contact:
Henrike Florusbosch, Program Manager, e-HAIL