Artificial intelligence predicts genetics of cancerous brain tumors in under 90 seconds
Using artificial intelligence, researchers have discovered how to screen for genetic mutations in cancerous brain tumors in under 90 seconds — and possibly streamline the diagnosis and treatment of gliomas, a study suggests.
Projecting IV Fluid Usage
In a rapid response to the dire shortage of intravenous (IV) fluid bags currently affecting hospitals nationwide, investigators from the University of Michigan (U-M) Digital Health Innovation and Max Harry Weil Institute for Critical Care Research and Innovation developed a projection model to help U-M Health leadership make critical and timely decisions around conservation of crucial medical supplies.
Racial Bias in Pulse Oximetry Measurement
The goal of this research is to determine the clinical significance of potential racial bias in pulse oximetry measurement.
Precision Opioid Prescribing
This research initiative is focusing on understanding the factors that put people at risk of long-term opioid use so that these patients can be prescribed alternative pain management strategies when having surgery.
Confirmatory DPYD Testing in MGI Subjects
This research initiative identified patients carrying DPYD variants based on Michigan Genomics Initiative.